[GRASSLIST:4223] gdal with xerces AND grass

Martin May mmay at uni-muenster.de
Sun Aug 22 13:13:23 EDT 2004

Hello together,

I tried to reinstall gdal with grass-support.
Because I am using gdal also for other purposes, I need to get it to 
work with xerces-c.
When I do it like this:
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-libtiff=yes --with-geotiff=yes 
--with-png=internal --with-jpgeg=internal --with-grass=/usr/grass-5.7.0 
--with-xerces --with-xerces-inc=/usr/include/xercesc 
--with-xerces-lib="-L/usr/lib -lxerces-c -lpthread"
Following error occurs:
cannot find -lgrass5
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
configure: error: Please correct Xerces options, or don't enable Xerces.

So to give it a chance I tried to install it without xerces and also 
with and without the patches
Both compilations finish with errors.

So after that I additionally added libgrass5 to my libs 
and now the compilation ends up successfully - also within xerces-c!

My question is: Is it dangerous to use librass5 with grass-5.7.0? Are 
there changes, that might corrupt my data?

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