[GRASSLIST:4254] Re: attribute table

nromena at skyinet.net nromena at skyinet.net
Thu Aug 26 04:42:21 EDT 2004

Dear Dr. Hamish & the list:

Thank you for the replies.

I am still confused how to see the attribute tables. In a commercial gis i 
once used, the attribute table is generated automatically after creating a 
polygon. There is a command option to open the attribute table and the 
table will pop-up when selected. The attribute table will have at least 2 
important fields, feature unique id number and type. From there, I could 
add fields according to my data. However in using grass5.0.3, I still don't 
know how to open the attribute table. Is it generated automatically? Do I 
need to create and link a separate tabular data file?

I ran d.what.vect with the vector map containing polygons but the result 
was a warning and failed to see a tabular attribute data. I also ran 
v.support and was asked to enter values and names of categories. Still, I 
failed to see a tabular attribute data. I ran several routines but failed.

May I request someone from the list to provide me with idiot-friendly 
instructions on how to open the attribute table. Also, may I request 
websites where I could do some reading on attribute tables in grass5.0.3.

Thank you so much.


At 09:52 AM 8/24/2004 +1200, you wrote:
> > I am also doing on-screen digitizing.
> >
> > However, I would want to know how to see the attribute data table of
> > the polygons I digitized. Also, how can I edit and add fields in the
> > attribute table?
>Vector data:
>Try d.what.vect to view, or 'd.what.vect -e' to edit. If you can install
>QGIS, this might be easier to work with. To view a .dbf database load into an
>OpenOffice or use the 'dbview -bt' utility.
>Add fields in v.digit [5.7] from settings->table.
>Raster data:  [5.0/5.3]
>[5.7] ??

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