[GRASSLIST:4266] Re: Releasing GRASS modules

Martin Wegmann wegmann at biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
Fri Aug 27 09:46:15 EDT 2004

Hello Benjamin, 

could you explain briefly which methods you are using for your modules 
(statistical methods like GAM, ANN)? Is it comparable to GRASP 
(http://www.cscf.ch/grasp/grasp-r/index.html) - unfortunately not fully 
implemented in GRASS (no easy export of raster to GRASP)  - it sounds very 
promising and I am looking forward to give it a try. 

cheers Martin

> I guess so. In the meantime I might set up a homepage of my own to
> distribute my code. In the meantim, if anyone here is really interested in
> it, contact me and I will send it to you via email.
> Benjamin

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