[GRASSLIST:5024] How compile 5.7 cvs version

wlx wlx at mygis.org
Thu Dec 2 08:40:14 EST 2004

Hi all,
     I want to compile the 5.7 cvs version,I get source from cvs.
     the configure command is successful,but when I use make,it has error:

     the configure command, which is ok.
./configure --with-cxx --with-readline
--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-freetype
--with-postgres-libs=/usr/local/pgsql/lib --without-odbc --with-freetype
--with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2/  --with-grass50=/root/grass
      then make command,which is error:
mkdir -p /root/grass51/bin.i686-pc-linux-gnu
mkdir -p /root/grass51/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu/include
mkdir -p /root/grass51/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu/lib
mkdir -p /root/grass51/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin
mkdir -p /root/grass51/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu/etc
mkdir -p /root/grass51/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu/driver
mkdir -p /root/grass51/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu/driver/db
mkdir -p /root/grass51/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu/fonts
cp: cannot stat `demolocation': No such file or directory
make: *** [builddemolocation] Error 1

    My system is debian sarge.

    Best regards,

LiangXu Wang

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