[GRASSLIST:2491] Re: gdal and hdf

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu Feb 5 21:57:36 EST 2004

Ian Macmillan wrote:

> Hi all, thanks so much for your help on the subject.  I think that I finally
> have gdal updated to 1.1.9!  I ran gdalinfo on my aster dem, and it outputs all
> the relevant info about the file.  Now my problem is that I can't actually
> import the DEM into grass.  Here is the error message I get when I run
> r.in.gdal (it is similar to an error message already described, except I can't
> get the file read in at all).  

> r.in.gdal undefined reference to _deflateInit_ expected to be defined in
> /usr/local/lib/libgdal.1.1.dylib
> Trace/BPT trap
> Any ideas?

Ideas, yes; solution, no :-(

deflateInit is a zlib function. GDAL itself doesn't appear to use at
(at least, 1.1.3 doesn't), but some of the formats which it supports
do (notably PNG).

This might be a MacOSX linker/loader issue; the MacOSX loader appears
to be more strict than typical Unix loaders.

OTOH, it might be that the updated GDAL library was built slightly
differently to the old version, such that r.in.gdal would need to be

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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