[GRASSLIST:2728] Re: Problem importing arc info file

Andrew selkiesdad at twcny.rr.com
Tue Feb 24 08:31:42 EST 2004

The header must be positioned at the beginning of the data file, the 
entries for each point must be listed one per line and ALL headers must 
be present AND must have correct values.


ncols 301
nrows 301
xllcorner -75.4421
yllcorner 44.2576
cellsize 0.0001
NODATA_value -9999

For UTM or other coordinates in meters the values would be in 
appropriate units, not degress as in this example.

Leonardo Lami wrote:

>Sorry but I have never worked with arc/info files and so i have again 
>I have seven files for my dtm layer:
>I added:
>at the bottom of the w001001.adf file but when i run r.in.arc the output 
>message say:
>r.in.arc: ** errors detected in header section **
>  illegal line in header
>  "yllcorner:4675800"
>  "yllcorner" field missing from header
>  "xllcorner" field missing from header
>  "nrows" field missing from header
>  "ncols" field missing from header
>  "cellsize" field missing from header
>  "nodata_value" field missing from header
>Can't proceed
>May be I mismatch the file where I add the header or its format.
>Can you help me
>Thank you very much
>Leonardo Lami
>>You can easily add the appropriate six line header from the file 
>>Leonardo Lami wrote:
>>I'm trying to import a arc info file with r.in.gdal, because it is not 
>>supported by r.in.arc (it has not the header section).
>>The command seems work well but when I display the raster only a little part 
>>is right and the rest of the cells of the raster have the value of the 
>>category set to 0.
>>Can someone help me?
>>Thank you

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