[GRASSLIST:2308] Re: zoom to fill GRASS monitor

Jason Horn jhorn at bu.edu
Wed Jan 21 09:52:35 EST 2004


Thanks.  Setting the aspect ration was what I was thinking too.  Only 
problem is, my data are lat-lon, so that's not so easy since polar 
coordinates do not measure units of distance.  I'll have to re-project. 
  I'd be interested to see if any one else comes up with a different 
idea though.


On Jan 21, 2004, at 12:20 AM, Glynn Clements wrote:

> Jason Horn wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me, what's the best way to zoom and pan, so that the
>> resulting image COMPLETELY FILLS the GRASS monitor, whatever shape or
>> size that may be?
> Set a region whose aspect (width:height) ratio matches that of the
> monitor. E.g. for a 640x480 monitor window, the height needs to be
> three quarters the width.
> -- 
> Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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