[GRASSLIST:3730] Re: v.in.ogr and v.out.ogr NEW on NVIZ

francesco francesco.pirotti at unipd.it
Mon Jun 21 05:17:49 EDT 2004

At 09.41 19/06/2004 +0200, Radim Blazek wrote:
>On Saturday 19 June 2004 01:36, cirgeo_admin wrote:
> > Hi all grass users,
> >
> > Firstly thanks to Radim for clearing up for me the fact that I (obviously)
> > have to compile gdal-ogr with pg support if I want to use it for postgis
> > import/export.
> >
> > I am using a lot the new module v.out.ogr and v.in.ogr to import export
> > postgis:  I came up with the following observations:
> >
> > the following command gave me an error:
> > v.out.ogr input=MA_finale dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=EvA" layer=mamma
> > field=1 format=PostgreSQL
> >
> > ERROR 1: AddGeometryColumn failed for layer mamma, layer creation has
> > failed. ERROR: Cannot create layer
>Is it valid PostGIS database? Can you create table with geometry in psql?:
>create table test (geom geometry);

I can create postGIS layers from shapes and viceversa using the shp2pg and 
pg2shp  program provided by compiling postgis si I figure it is fine;
could it be a bad version of ogr?  I had some trouble compiling GDAL-OGR in 
my PC so I compiled  it on another PC (running the same version of LINUX 
Mandrake) and then I copied the binaries to my pc..... it is just a mystery 
fo me how can something get a compile error on one PC and not on an 
identical PC... boh?!

I'll give it more tries and I'll let you know.
Francesco Pirotti

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