[GRASSLIST:3761] compiling grass-5.7.0 on suse 9.0

Sabine Grabner csab7771 at uibk.ac.at
Mon Jun 28 04:48:22 EDT 2004

hi, i still run configure and install the required packages. 
i already installed tk-devel and tcl-devel via yast but still receive the 
following error: 
sabine at ueberflieger:~/diss/grass-5.7.0> CFLAGS="-g -Wall" ./configure 
checking for tcl.h... yes 
checking for tk.h... no 
configure: error: *** Unable to locate Tk includes. 
sabine at ueberflieger:/usr/include> ls *tk* 
itkDecls.h  tkDecls.h  tkIntDecls.h  tkPlatDecls.h  tkUnixInt.h 
itk.h       tk.h       tkInt.h       tkPort.h 
what else do i need? 
thanks, sabine 

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