[GRASSLIST:3365] r.mapcalc syntax

Ulrich Leopold uleopold at science.uva.nl
Thu May 6 10:43:58 EDT 2004


I am using the following command and get an parse error expecting ")"

r.mapcalc Errors="if('VAL.stone.lsk_OK.DIFF_SQRT_VAR' < -2,
('500.Pox0t30.STONE' - ('Pox0t30_OK_block.pred.LSK' - (2 *
(sqrt('Pox0t30_OK_block.var.LSK')))/('500.Pox0t30.STONE') * -100),
null() ))"

parse error, expecting ")"
Parse error

What am I doing wrong. I checked the position of the parenthesis. But I
cannot figure out where a parenthesis is missing. The similar command
works in the statistics package 'R'.


Ulrich Leopold MSc.

Computational Bio- and Physical Geography (CBPG)
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED)
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
NL-1018WV Amsterdam

Room:   B2.52
Phone:	+31 20 525 7456 (7451 Secretary)
Fax:	+31 20 525 7431
Mobile:	+31 64 220 3028
Email:	uleopold at science.uva.nl
URL:    www.science.uva.nl/ibed/cbpg

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