[GRASSLIST:4752] Re: v.in.ogr gives dbmi: db_open_database() not implemented

William K woklist at charter.net
Tue Nov 9 10:41:12 EST 2004

I'm on Mac OS X here and have no problems with shared libs.  Tho I have 
10.3.6.  But I don't think that should make that big a difference as 
long as you have the GCC 3.3 Dev tools for 10.2.8.

I briefly had that error with dbmi when the developers were messing 
around with the linker options a while back, and it has changed again 
recently.  For this error, it's a combination of link options that can 
cause the dbmi functions to not build right.  It's not a GDAL problem.

Take a look at my GRASS build instructions for Mac OS X:


On Nov 8, 2004, at 11:25 PM, mahoneyd at unbc.ca wrote:

> Thanks, that fixed it. Does anyone know why shared libraries no longer
> work? They were fine before I reinstalled Mac OS (and updated the grass
> sources from CVS).
> Dave
>> Hi,
>> We have the same problem on Cygwin in terms of the db error. You may
>> want to configure with --disable-shared.
>> ./configure --disable-shared
>> make
>> Hope this helps.
>> Huidae Cho
>> On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 19:08:13 -0800, David Mahoney <mahoneyd at unbc.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am running Mac OS X (10.2.8) and have compiled grass 5.7 (cvs).
>>> However, when I run v.in.ogr, I get this error
>>> GRASS 5.7.cvs:~/gisdata/grass_x/93f/93f037 > v.in.ogr dsn=tctr_037 \
>>> layer=LAB,ARC type=line out=tctr_037
>>> A datum name nad83 (North_American_Datum_1983) was specified without
>>> transformation parameters.
>>> WARNING: Non-interactive mode: the GRASS default for nad83 is
>>>           towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000.
>>> Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match.
>>> Proceeding with import...
>>> WARNING: The vector 'tctr_037' already exists and will be 
>>> overwritten.
>>> dbmi: db_open_database() not implemented
>>> WARNING: Cannot open database
>>>           '/Users/dave/gisdata/grass/trim-utm10/dave/dbf'
>>> WARNING: Cannot open database
>>>           '/Users/dave/gisdata/grass/trim-utm10/dave/dbf' by driver
>>> 'dbf'
>>> WARNING: Cannot get info if table 'tctr_037_1' linked to vector 
>>> exists.
>>> ERROR: Cannot delete existing vector tctr_037
>>> Is this a GDAL problem?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave
William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at charter.net>

"Oh, look, I seem to have fallen down a deep, dark hole.  Now what does 
that remind me of?  Ah, yes - life."

- Marvin

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