[GRASSLIST:4865] bug in creation of new state plane location

bfdi533 bfdi533 at cbacc-security3.bus.utexas.edu
Wed Nov 17 11:38:08 EST 2004

I am trying to create a new location in grass 5.0.3.  I have gone
through the selection process and chosen the following options:

projection: stp
ellipsoid: grs80
datum: nad83
state FIPS code: 48
county FIPS code: 453

However, all data I import into this location is NOT in the right

So, I checked further and found that g.projinfo says:

name:    State Plane
datum:   nad83
dx:      0.000000
dy:      0.000000
dz:      0.000000
proj:    lcc
a:       0.63782064e+07
es:      0.6768657997291094e-02
x_0:     0.6096012192024384e+06
y_0:     0
lon_0:   100d20'w
lat_0:   29d40'n
lat_1:   31d53'n
lat_2:   30d7'n
unit:    meter
units:   meters
meters:  1.0

When I check the .../etc/state27 and .../etc/state83 files I find that
it is using the state27 info NOT the state83 info that I requested:

/usr/grass5/etc/state27:4203: +proj=lcc +a=0.63782064e+07
+es=0.6768657997291094e-02 +x_0=0.6096012192024384e+06 +y_0=0
+lon_0=100d20'w +lat_0=29d40'n +lat_1=31d53'n +lat_2=30d7'n
/usr/grass5/etc/state83:4203: +proj=lcc +a=0.6378137e+07
+es=0.66943800229e-02 +x_0=0.7e+06 +y_0=0.3e+07 +lon_0=100d20'w
+lat_0=29d40'n +lat_1=31d53'n +lat_2=30d7'n

This is a bug.  

Should I log this somewhere for handing?  

Has it been addressed in a different version of grass that I am not


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