[GRASSLIST:4887] Re: remove small islands

Sandro Klippel sandroklippel at yahoo.com.br
Sat Nov 20 10:45:39 EST 2004

r.neighbors method=mode

Em Sáb 20 Nov 2004 13:00, Martin Wegmann escreveu:
> hello,
> I tried to remove islands in a classified raster image which are smaller
> than 1 -2 pixel.
> Is there any command which removes small islands and assigns the prevailing
> value of the surrounding area to this island?
> r.neighbors might be what I want if there would a
> method=dominant/prevailing value, method=average just smoothed the image.
> any ideas? thanks in advance, Martin

Instituto IGARÉ
e-mail: institutoigare at yahoo.com.br

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