[GRASSLIST:4287] Vector shifting in GRASS57

SWlab swlab at cornell.edu
Thu Sep 2 11:12:01 EDT 2004

I'd like to transform a vector from one referential to another, while keeping 
the same rpojection information, eg. rotating/translating a vector in UTM 
coordinates. I guess I should use the v.transform command in GRASS 5.7.0, but 
I have a pb:
For the very simple case of a translation by 5m to the north, the line
v.transform i=u40_cnt_250cm o=Contours_250cm_tmp xshift=5 yshift=0 zshift=0 
xscale=1 yscale=1 zscale=1
puts me in interactive mode...
Do I really have to use a pointfile ? 
Thanks for any hint

Soil & Water Laboratory
Dept. of Biological & Environmental Engineering
Cornell University
ITHACA, NY 14853
Tel: (607)255.2463

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