[GRASSLIST:4303] 6s input file

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at pf.pl
Sat Sep 4 16:18:07 EDT 2004

Hi All!

I'd like to try the 6s i.atcorr on a Landsat 7 scene. I managed to get the
module running but I'm having problems with making the txt input file with
parameters. If someone could share such a file I would be gratefull. I have
already found
http://www.ltid.inpe.br/dsr/mauro/6s/ETM4_atmospheric_input.txt but it seems
different than what i.atcorr wants (or I don't understand the i.atcorr

Some time ago you mentioned your i.run.6s script for Landsat 5 on the
mailing list. Would you mind sending it to me or putting it somewhere for


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