[GRASSLIST:6345] Re: more v.in.ogr errors with mysql backend

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Wed Apr 6 04:18:15 EDT 2005

Chris Fonnesbeck wrote:
> I thought I had this working, but it appears not. I am using 6.1cvs
> with the mysql driver to import a few shapefiles. However, although I
> seem to have specified the db connection correctly (db.tables -p
> provides a list of tables), I get an uninformative protocol error when
> I try and import any shapefiles. Thus, the following:
> v.in.ogr dsn=./ layer=cities output=cities -o
> gives this debug infomation (DEBUG=5):
> D3/5: Ogr_ftype: 0
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'CITIES_ID'
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'CITIES_ID'
> D3/5: Ogr_ftype: 0
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'CITIES_'
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'CITIES_'
> D3/5: Ogr_ftype: 0
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'CITIES_ID'
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'CITIES_ID'
> D3/5: Ogr_ftype: 4
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'COUNTY'
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'COUNTY'
> D3/5: Ogr_ftype: 4
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'PLACE'
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'PLACE'
> D3/5: Ogr_ftype: 4
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'NAME'
> D3/5: Ogr_fieldname: 'NAME'
> D3/5: create table cities (cat integer, AREA double precision, PERIMETER doubl
>  precision, CITIES_ integer, CITIES_ID integer, CITIES_ integer, CITIES_ID int
> ger, COUNTY varchar ( 3 ), PLACE varchar ( 4 ), NAME varchar ( 30 ))
> D3/5: Vect_subst_var(): in = host=localhost,dbname=florida_gis, map = cities, 
> apset = PERMANENT
> D3/5:   -> host=localhost,dbname=florida_gis
> D3/5: db_start_driver_open_database():
>   drvname = mysql, dbname = host=localhost,dbname=florida_gis
> D3/5: db_driver_open_database() driver = mysql database definition = 'host=loc
> lhost,dbname=florida_gis'
> D3/5: parse_conn : host=localhost,dbname=florida_gis
> D3/5: token 0 : host=localhost
> D3/5: token 1 : dbname=florida_gis
> D3/5: host = localhost, port = 0, socket = (null), dbname = florida_gis, user 
>  (null), password = (null)
> D3/5: db_get_login(): mysql host=localhost,dbname=florida_gis
> D3/5: file = /Users/chris/.grasslogin6
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql dbname=ugr,user=chris ¿ÿûÐ ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql manatee chris ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql host=localhost,dbname=manatee,user=chris chris ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql host=localhost,dbname=manatee chris ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql dbname=florida_gis,user=chris chris ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql florida_gis chris ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql dbname=florida_gis chris ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql test chris ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql dbname=florida_gis, user=chris ð
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql host=localhost,dbname=florida_gis,user=chris user=chris 
> D3/5: ret = 4 : mysql host=localhost,dbname=florida_gis chris xxxxx
> dbmi: Protocol error
> Broken pipe
> (I replaced my true password with xxxxx). I'm not sure, for one, why
> it starts listing other databases not associated with this location.
> Any help is most appreciated.

It could be allocation error, because the array is initialy allocated 
for 10 items and it fails on 11., but I dont see any obvious bug,
try to look at add_login() in lib/db/dbmi_base/login.c


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