[GRASSLIST:9273] DBMI errors after QGIS+GRASS crash

Dylan Beaudette dylan.beaudette at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 14:24:49 EST 2005


I was editing a GRASS vector layer in QGIS, specifically the attribute table- 
which stored in MySQL. Everything was working fine, until I tried to access 
the same vector layer in the GRASS shell. An error was returned regarding 
something about the header missing some this vector, and QGIS suddenly quit. 
Afterwards, any time i try and access the attributes for this vector via 
GRASS I get:
echo "select * from merged_dupes" | db.select
dbmi: Protocol error

...despite the fact that all of the data is still in MySQL, and the table 
checks out OK. I have re-issued the db.connect, and v.db.connect commands in 
hopes that that would fix the connection.

Also- now when i try and start QGIS from within this mapset and load the 
trouble vector layer, QGIS quits with a "dbmi ERROR".

I have tried replacing my mapset with a known working copy, but that refuses 
to work as well. Trying to copy the trouble vector results in a DBMI error as 

Any ideas??

Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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