[GRASSLIST:9329] GRASS + Postgre

Luca luca.penasa at email.it
Tue Dec 6 11:50:59 EST 2005

I want to use Podtgre DB for storing my georeferentced points data. With 
these points i should be able to do some interpolation with the values 
conteined as attribute into the pg table. Into the table i want to 
store  some attributes (some numerics and text attributes) and the 
point's geografical coordinates. After i want to view and use that data 
just like a grass vector map (i dont want any data transfert, grass 
should read the data and show it -and use for interpolation-). I know it 
is possible, but is necessary to use the postgis extension? or can i use 
a normal postgre table for storing my data?

Luca P.
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