[GRASSLIST:9446] Re: [GRASS-de] Sliver-Polygone entfernen, nur wie? (fwd)

Otto Dassau dassau at gdf-hannover.de
Tue Dec 13 13:23:19 EST 2005


here is a mailing forwarded from the german GRASS list. Using v.clean 
after v.overlay to delete small polygons in GRASS with attributes stored in 
sqlite db produces following error message, does anybody know how to
solve this?

GRASS 6.1.cvs (muc_grenze):~ > v.clean input=gem_plz tool=rmarea thresh=50
| Tool                            | Threshold     |
| Remove small areas               | 5.000000e+01 |
Copying vector lines ...
WARNING: SQLite driver: column 'a_PLZ', SQLite type 0 is not supported
WARNING: SQLite driver: column 'a_NAME', SQLite type 0 is not supported
WARNING: SQLite driver: column 'b_LAYER', SQLite type 0 is not supported
WARNING: SQLite driver: column 'b_NAME', SQLite type 0 is not supported
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Error in sqlite3_prepare():
table gem_plz_cddfd has 12 columns but 16 values were supplied

WARNING: Cannot insert new record: 'insert into gem_plz_cddfd values ( 1,
          1, '80331', 'M%G�%@nchen, Landeshauptstadt', 778870.766000,
          6299.467000, 17.880000, 3, 'Kreisfreie_Stadt', 22.000000, 162000,


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