[GRASSLIST:9455] Re: merging db tables
Markus Neteler
neteler at itc.it
Tue Dec 13 19:49:47 EST 2005
On Tue, Dec 13, 2005 at 03:46:12PM -0600, Kirk R. Wythers wrote:
> I have a text file that I want to "merge" with an existing db table
> (there is a common column in both the vector table and the ascii
> file).
This is a table "join", right?
> Is there some kind of merge command that would work within
> grass, or should I export the vector, merge, then reimport the merged
> vector with v.in.ascii?
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
You can do that directly in the database (not supported
by DBF driver). So postgreql, sqlite and mysql (maybe the latter
interface doesn't work) support such joins.
For experiments, here you can download the spearfish
soils map legend as sqlite file:
-> Spearfish soils legend:
[TXT with explanations]
[CSV legend table]
[SQL file legend table]
[SQLite DB only legend table]
x [SQLite DB Spearfish soils + Legend tables]
Here how to do the join of the long soil names into the soil
g.copy vect=soils,spearfish_soils
#Legend of 'soils' map imported via CSV from:
# http://mpa.itc.it/grasstutor/examples.phtml
# -> soils_legend.csv
#using the 'sqlitebrowser'.
GRASS 6.1.cvs (spearfish60):~ > db.connect -p
GRASS 6.1.cvs (spearfish60):~ > db.tables -p
GRASS 6.1.cvs (spearfish60):~ > g.list vect
Vorhandene vector Dateien im Mapset sqlite:
myfields mypoints3D spearfish_soils test
Vorhandene vector Dateien im Mapset PERMANENT:
# Check columns in legend table:
db.describe -c soils_legend
# Check columns in map table:
v.info -c spearfish_soils
v.db.select spearfish_soils
# open sqlite database, quit then:
sqlitebrowser `v.db.connect -g spearfish_soils | cut -d' ' -f4`
# Now join the legend long names into "soils" map table:
sqlite3 `v.db.connect -g spearfish_soils | cut -d' ' -f4`
sqlite> .schema
# try first before updating. We do LEFT OUTER JOIN to
# keep rows where a longname is missing:
sqlite> SELECT spearfish_soils.cat, spearfish_soils.label, soils_legend.longname
FROM spearfish_soils LEFT OUTER JOIN soils_legend
ON soils_legend.shortname=spearfish_soils.label;
2|Ba|Barnum silt loam
3|Bb|Barnum silt loam, channeled
4|BcB|Boneek silt loam, 2 to 6
5|BcC|Boneek silt loam, 6 to 9
53|WaA|Weber loam, 0 to 2
54|Wb|Winetti cobbly loam
# ... looks reasonable. Now update table of soils map:
# The query is much more simple as UPDATE only updates
# existing values:
sqlite> UPDATE spearfish_soils SET longname=(SELECT longname
FROM soils_legend WHERE soils_legend.shortname=spearfish_soils.label);
sqlite> SELECT * FROM spearfish_soils;
2|Ba|Barnum silt loam
3|Bb|Barnum silt loam, channeled
4|BcB|Boneek silt loam, 2 to 6
5|BcC|Boneek silt loam, 6 to 9
# works
sqlite> .quit
# verification
v.db.select spearfish_soils
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