[GRASSLIST:9501] Re: v.to.rast problem

orkun temiz at deprem.gov.tr
Thu Dec 15 06:01:38 EST 2005

Hamish wrote:

>>>>v.to.rast input=jgenel1 layer=1 output=jgenel1 use=attr column=yas  
>>>>Loading vector information ...ERROR: Column type not supported by 
>>v.info -c jgenel1
>>Displaying column type for database connection of layer 1:
>>in postgresql
>>bzk=# \d jgenel1
>>          Table "public.jgenel1"
>>Column  |         Type          | Modifiers
>>cat     | integer               |
>>yas     | character varying(80) |
>>count   | integer               |
>>sum_cat | double precision      |
>The v.to.rast column= must be numeric (integer, double).
>(ok, poorly documented & error message might make a suggestion)
>Alternately if you really want to save the labels, use the cat column
>for the value and then make a "$MAPSET/cats/" file with the cat numbers
>and the text labels. This would be pretty easy to generate
>automatically. I am not sure if/where this is mentioned in the modern
>documentation. Should probably be in grass6/raster/rasterintro.html or
>a grass6/doc/raster/specification.html ? Doxygen?
thank you

I converted vect. to rast with cat. Then  I reclassify resulting raster 
map with
attributed values' of mother vector map.

kind regards

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