[GRASSLIST:9637] Re: real color landsat images

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Sun Dec 25 08:19:23 EST 2005

Wolfgang Zillig wrote:

> I know how to combine the band (_10, _20, _30) to real color images
> with r.rgb. But then the resolution is limited to 30m. Is there a way
> to get them in higher resolution with the pan band (_80)? When I use
> i.fusion.brovey I get always false color pictures. Any idea?

One option to try is rgb.hsv.sh, replace V with the panchromatic map,
then hsv.rgb.sh.

Hmm; those scripts don't appear to be included in 6.1, but they are in

Better still, go through YUV instead of HSV; the calculations are
simpler. The coefficients can be found at:


The equations can be implemented in r.mapcalc easily enough.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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