[GRASSLIST:5924] newbie trying to get started with a USGS DEM

Russell Senior seniorr at aracnet.com
Sun Feb 27 19:15:19 EST 2005

I am working with Debian/unstable's GRASS 6.0.0beta2.  I've looked at
the tutuorials, but they don't give much guidance on how to display
USGS DEMs, in particular since the DEM files themselves seem to be
somewhat opaque.  I get lots of mismatches, particularly since I don't
know what I am doing.  For example, I try:

I've imported the DEM, e.g.:

  $ r.in.gdal input=A145121.DEM output=A145121

which seemed to go okay.  Then:

  $ nviz elevation=A145121
  Error: Raster A145121 at russell is outside of current region
  Load Failed.

Guidance appreciated.

Russell Senior         ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''
seniorr at aracnet.com

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