[GRASSLIST:5926] Re: newbie trying to get started with a USGS DEM

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 27 20:08:54 EST 2005

> I am working with Debian/unstable's GRASS 6.0.0beta2.  I've looked at
> the tutuorials, but they don't give much guidance on how to display
> USGS DEMs, in particular since the DEM files themselves seem to be
> somewhat opaque.  I get lots of mismatches, particularly since I don't
> know what I am doing.  For example, I try:
> I've imported the DEM, e.g.:
>   $ r.in.gdal input=A145121.DEM output=A145121
> which seemed to go okay.  Then:
>   $ nviz elevation=A145121
>   Error: Raster A145121 at russell is outside of current region
>   Load Failed.
> Guidance appreciated.

Zoom to the geographic extents of your map before trying to display them:

g.region rast=A145121

also, it might be better to start with a simpler 2D view before trying NVIZ.

d.mon x0
d.rast A145121


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