[GRASSLIST:5272] orkut

samuel cavalcante rioapaporis at yahoo.com.br
Sat Jan 8 07:15:04 EST 2005

hi all,
do i mentioned that in orkut could be found two
communities focusing GRASS yet? 
in portuguese and in english

--- "Miguel A. Altamirano del C" <mgaac at yahoo.com>
> Well, i need know how to do a program whit GRASS, as
> if i will be working with other languaje of
> programation (GrADS, F77, etc). How to compile and
> how
> to run it???
> Someone can help me with it, also can send me a
> program to see how work.
> =====
> LCA Miguel A. Altamirano del C.
> "Los Mexicanos llevamos la fiesta en la garganta"
> Tel. 01(232)32 45208
> La belleza de la meteorología radica en saber
> pronosticarla y no simplemente en estudiarla 
>       (Miguel A. Altamirano 28-5-00)
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