[GRASSLIST:5426] how create one legend for several raster

Georg Lösel georg at de-schorsch.de
Tue Jan 18 17:03:48 EST 2005


I'm playing a little bit with r.sun
If I alter the latitude for different regions (always the same area for 
better comparisons) I get different values. When I display them I get 
always the same color ramp, because the legend 'rainbow' analyses the 
values within every raster and distributes them accordingly.

So Im searching for a simple legend to compare the different raster, 
similar to this:

Value		R|G|B

0-200		106 | 255 | 89
200-400		139 | 255 | 77
400-600		178 | 255 | 64
2200-2400	209 | 210 | 88

Is this possible direkt with r.colors, type. 'rules' or must I 
reclassify the floating raster to get single values?

Is there some place for different legends, to help people not to invent 
the wheel again and again?

Any hints or help?

Thanks in Advance


            Georg Lösel
            Sonnenweg 37
           30171 Hannover

      ++49 (0) 511 - 760 4123
         georg at de-schorsch.de
       52°22'04" N / 9°45'31" E
GPG-Key: homepage/gpg_georgloesel.asc

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