[GRASSLIST:5432] Re: how create one legend for several raster

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 18 18:40:44 EST 2005

> So Im searching for a simple legend to compare the different raster, 
> similar to this:
> Value		R|G|B
> 0-200		106 | 255 | 89
> 200-400	139 | 255 | 77
> 400-600	178 | 255 | 64
> ....
> 2200-2400	209 | 210 | 88
> Is this possible direkt with r.colors, type. 'rules'


r.colors map color=rules << EOF
0   106:255:89
200 106:255:89
200 139:255:77
400 139:255:77
400 178:255:64
600 178:255:64
2200 209:210:88
2400 209:210:88

> Is there some place for different legends, to help people not to
> invent  the wheel again and again?

You can save the rules file (saved in $MAPSET/colr/) to the
$GISBASE/etc/colors/ directory and then access it with:

r.colors rules=your_rules

see the other files there for an idea as well as the r.colors help page

Also check out the use= option of d.legend?


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