[GRASSLIST:5469] hexadecimal color codes

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Fri Jan 21 11:00:06 EST 2005

Can anyone tell me if GRASS can deal with hexadecimal color codes 
(something like 0100FFAA)? I have a ascii vector file that contains 
hexadecimal color codes for the lines and polygons. I am writing a 
small program that converts that ascii vector file (which was output 
from another gis package) into the v.in.ascii format, and I wonder if I 
can retain that information.



Kirk R. Wythers	
Dept. of Forest Resources
University of Minnesota
email: kwythers at umn.edu
tel: 612.625.2261
fax: 612.625.5212

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