[GRASSLIST:5481] attributes in vectors

RAVI KUMAR ravivundavalli at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 22 02:41:59 EST 2005

Between GRASS5.3 and GRASS5.7 Vector queries are vastly improved.
Even the containment of 'points in areas', to make a sub-set is well done.
Bravo, well done.
Scope for further improvement VECTOR:
while issuing sql queries.. WHERE "ATTRIB='ABC'"
THAT IS Attributes with text vectors
it is very useful to 
1. filter out  attribute text column for number of UNIQUE attributes.
    Ex: abc,def,ghi are 3 attributes in a attributetext column, but repeat 10s of times.
2. So if a menu opens with the the number of UNIQUE attributes, for selection 
     then the SQL Queries can be framed effortlessly.
Presently Iam opening the DBF attribute file in opeoffice and sorting out the 
TEXTATTRIBUTE column to find the unique occurrences.
This kind of tool is available in arc-info.
Thanking U in advance

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