[GRASSLIST:5560] Re: v.in.e00, v.in.ogr problems

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 30 23:34:30 EST 2005

ERROR: Cannot open data source

This error comes after it tries to read dsn=

> I believe so. I was following the example for Arc/Info coverages.

this one?

what files does 'avcimport' produce?

> I made dsn the coverage directory (rail1),


> and layer to the feature I wished to import (Arcs/lines).

layer should be the shape file name (without the extension),
e.g. rail.shp, not what is in it.

This should list available layers:

v.in.ogr -l dsn=... output=test
        (-l is a lower case "L" not a one)

what file names are in /volumes/wooster/test/rail1 ?
For shape file input should be *.shp *.shx *.dbf *.sbn *.sbx (*.prj) 

You might try viewing the shape files with other software, e.g.:
JUMP   http://www.jump-project.org/project.php?PID=JUMP&SID=OVER
QGIS   http://qgis.sourceforge.net

to find out if the files are ok.


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