[GRASSLIST:7404] Re: concurrent session in grass6

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri Jul 1 03:02:14 EDT 2005

On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 09:27:24PM -0600, Richard Greenwood wrote:
> On 6/30/05, Massimiliano Cannata <massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch> wrote:
> > Hi, I read that in grass 6 there is no more problem in running
> > concurrent session...
> > Is it rigth?
> > I'm linking grass to mapserver and I wander if I have to handle
> > concurrent session in some way...?!
> > Is enougth to use different gislock value for each process?
> > Do I have to handle one mapset for each user?
> > Let me know what kind of problem do I have to take in cosideration, and
> > maybe where can I found some literature on it...
> > Thanks,
> > Maxi
> In a web context to just display GRASS data, each request should be
> coming from the same 'user', that is, the web server 'user' so it
> would not really be concurrent sessions, but just one user making a
> lot of requests.

A solution might be to run each "job" in its own mapset (take process
ID as mapset name).


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