[GRASSLIST:7515] Re: rpm¿s - v.db.update

Stephan Holl holl at gdf-hannover.de
Mon Jul 11 02:55:13 EDT 2005

Hello Helmut, 

On Sun, 10 Jul 2005 14:11:22 +0200 Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de>

> dear grass-friends,
> i have downloaded the actual suse-rpm__s from the link on the official
> site (http://www.gdf-hannover.de/software).
> the files are called:
> geos-2.0.0-1.suse91.i586.rpm
> grass-6.0.0-1.suse91.i586.rpm
> ...
> i wanted to install the files with yast on my 9.2.suse-machine, but
> nothing happend. i had to rename alle the files without *.suse91.*
> (grass-6.0.0-1.i586.rpm, etc.), then i could install them without
> problems.

Thank you for your feedback. We have tested with the rpm -Uvh-command
to import the rpm-packages, which works. So thanks for the hint. We
will provide a solution soon.

> --------------
>  i have a polygon-vector-layer in grass with a lot columns in the
> attribute table.
> i've looked in the manual of v.db.update, but there is still a
> question:
> i have three coloumns BID, GDNR, PROJNR,  FNR (all number-coloumns)
> is it possible to update the coloumn BID with an  expression like
> GDNR + PROJNR + FNR (the sum of  the mathematical addition) or FNR +
> (PROJNR * 100) + (GDNR * 10000).

It depends, which database you are using. There are some limitations
with the dbf-database...
If you are using postgres, you could use the
psql-interfaceinstead of db.execute which is shipped with postgres, for

Untested sample-code:
echo "UPDATE <table> SET GID = FNR + (PROJNR * 100) + (GDNR * 10000)"|
psql -d <database>
> i tried this above, but i always get an error-message.
> thanks with greetings from tyrol

Greetings from Hannover

	Stephan Holl

       ::ACHTUNG:: Neue Adresse und Telefonnummer ::ACHTUNG::

GDF Hannover - Solutions for spatial data analysis and remote sensing
Hannover Office      -     Mengendamm 16d      -     D-30177 Hannover
Internet: www.gdf-hannover.de      -      Email: holl at gdf-hannover.de
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