[GRASSLIST:7637] GRASS data to ArcView

Martin Wegmann wegmann at biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
Wed Jul 20 11:10:45 EDT 2005


I just encountered the problem that my colleagues can't import data exported 
from GRASS appropriately into ArcView.
I tried to convince them to use GRASS but without success so far ,-)

the raster to export specs are:
Type of Map:  raster              Number of Categories: 255              
Data Type:    DCELL                                                      
Rows:         2230                                                       
Columns:      3434                                                       
Total Cells:  7657820                                                    
Range of data:    min =  0.000000 max = 35.653061   

r.out.tiff input=test output=test -t //results in 3 bands in ArcView not in 
one; from ERDAS I know that I can specify if 1 or 3 (RGB) bands shall be 

r.out.arc input=test output=- > test.grd //results in no image at all

r.out.ascii does not import as well. 

I recognised missing endings of the exported files. Do I have to add certain 
file specifications?

Any experience with GRASS -> ArcView communication?

regards, Martin

Martin Wegmann

DLR - German Aerospace Center
German Remote Sensing Data Center
Dept.of Geography
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Unit
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

phone: +49-(0)931 - 888 4797
fax:   +49-(0)931 - 888 4961

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