[GRASSLIST:7099] menu problem with NVIZ in GRASS 6.1.cvs (Windows)

Eva L. Hulse evahulse at buffalo.edu
Thu Jun 9 13:47:24 EDT 2005

Thanks to Michael for the tip on upgrading to the latest version of 
GRASS.  Now NVIZ loads up, but there is a new problem.  The "Panel" 
dropdown menu in the Controls window doesn't trigger any response.  If, 
for example, I select the "Panel" menu, and then choose "Vector Points", 
nothing happens.  The same for everything else on the menu.  Otherwise, 
the Controls window works fine.  I just can't add anything to the stuff 
in the NVIZ window.  Also, the other dropdown menus work, but so slowly 
that it isn't really worth it (probably because my computer doesn't have 
enough memory to run NVIZ properly?).

Has anyone had, and fixed, this problem?

Eva L. Hulse
PhD Student
University at Buffalo Anthropology Department
evahulse at buffalo.edu

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