ITAMOCHI Masahiro masa527 at spymac.com
Mon Jun 13 01:35:45 EDT 2005


My previous e-mail was just an information only.
I was not intended to propose the solution on Windows or DOS system.
Since I couldn't get good result on my Linux, I also tried to achieve 
this on Windows circumstances.
Now I'm completely happy with your solution and everything is fine if I 
can go with Linux.

Windows users may also be worth bringing cygwin to apply your scripts.

Sorry for bothering you.

Anyway, thanks a lot!


Masahiro Itamochi

Markus Neteler wrote:
> Dear Masahiro Itamochi,
> a proposal for MS-Windows users with broadband internet
> access: Since you only want to convert the data a single time,
> you may download a KNOPPIX(-derivate) Live-Linux and run the 
> proposed scripts there. You can get out the data via network
> or USB key.
> To run the proposed scripts under DOS is probably more complicated.
> Markus
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2005 at 07:24:24PM +0900, ITAMOCHI Masahiro wrote:
>>>>*) vpf_imp (included in NIMAMUSE)
>>>>Could convert some files to shape files.
>>>>Some were not.(coudn't read feature point or exceeding feature point 
>>>>Very unstable on my Windows XP SP2.(freeze too many time)
>>>>Can be retrieved from http://www.mapability.com/download/nima_muse/
>>>>*) ogr2ogr in FWTools for Windows
>>>>Could locate data source.
>>>>Couldn't generate any shape files.(Different from ogr2ogr on Linux)
>>>For this you may want to read the article.
>>>Please let us know if it works.
>>I tried above again to v0noa on my Windows file system(NTFS).
>>For extracting the data, I followed the instraction described in 
>>http://www.mapability.com/info/vmap0_intro.html using with WinZip.
>>Since your script cannot apply directly to the data on Windows file 
>>system from my Linux(writing is prohibited), I renamed all the 
>>upper-case directory name to lower-case.
>>If your script can set out to DOS bat file, it may be happy for Windows 
>>users. I'm not a DOS hacker to do this...
>>I also found, just in v0noa, that there are no files with trainling '.'.
>>On my Linux, dht and lht on the top level of vmap0 had that.
>>The result was the same I experienced before.
>>Here, I'm gonna break down what I did for each processes.
>>I locate the v0noa on the top level of c: drive.
>>*) vpf_imp
>>Launch the VPF Importer 2.1.3(vpf_imp.exe).
>>Select options -> Output Format -> Arcview Shapefile
>>From file menu,select open to browse the dht file in c:¥v0noa¥vmaplv0.
>>Select Library:Coverage:Feature and push 'Retrieve Features' button.
>>For those datas which contains many point features, I met the dialog 
>>like 'Point feature limit reached, increase MUSE_MAXPOINTS' and then 
>>trying to save shape file at 16000 point features.
>>It seems that this software supports maximum of 16000 point feature on each.
>>There are no such a option to increase this parameter...
>>*) ogr2ogr from FWTools Shell
>>I still cannot have any shape files.
>>It looks that the OGR/OGDI driver can locate the data source as I 
>>successfully get the info from command below.
>>ogrinfo -ro gltp:/vrf/c:/v0noa/vmaplv0/noamer
>>Then I enter into the directory where I want shape files to be saved.
>>ogr2ogr command is like below.
>>ogr2ogr oceansea.shp gltp:/vrf/c:/v0noa/vmaplv0/namer 'oceansea at bnd(*)_area'
>>After this, I couldn't find any shapefile on the directory where I am 
>>while I got no errors.
>>I thought it should be generated in that directory.
>>No volume size has changed and couldn't find the file I specified 
>>anywhere on the NTFS volume.
>>I'm sorry I couldn't improve on any methods.
>>This is just for an information for Windows users and there may be a 
>>mistake what I did.
>>Masahiro Itamochi

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