[GRASSLIST:6188] Re: Problems with r.le.pixel !?

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 16 03:46:43 EST 2005

> I read the manual files and the pdf 
> (http://grass.ibiblio.org/gdp/landscape/r_le_manual5.pdf) before and 
> after running theb , but nowhere is there a mention of erratic values
> in  NODATA areas. There is no mention of the program exiting with a
> memory  allocation error and there is no explanation on what the
> output for a  dominance analysis should look like.
> Is there any place in the manual in particular I should look at? I
> read  it *again*, but still found no answer to my questions.
> I know there is much more information in the manual, just not the 
> information I have been looking for.

Sorry, I don't know much of anything about the module, I just noticed
that most of the documentation had not been merged into the new help

The erratics in NODATA areas, I have no idea. Maybe a bug, maybe input
the program doesn't expect. Never properly updated for null support?

The memory problem could be solved with a debugger (like gdb) &/or a
memory profiler (like electric fence or valgrind). A C programmer or
someone familiar with UNIX might be required. Straight bug I think.

output for dominance analysis if undocumented might be best determined
by looking at the source code.

Hopefully someone out there uses these modules and can help...


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