[GRASSLIST:6238] Re: Debian Source packages and GRASS tarball

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 23 18:32:34 EST 2005

> I tried building GRASS from the the debian source packages, but that
> proved unsuccessfull, since I was not able to cope with all the other
> dependencies.

Note GRASS 6.0.0 has arrived in Debian/testing just today.
(but for translating I think you do need the source)
binaries there for alpha, i386, mips; all others build from debian-src.
(no problems expected- not built for the other 8 hardware platforms
supported by Debian due to a misconfiguration in the build process at
Debain HQ)

see also the DebianGIS mailing list & wiki:

> So I got the GRASS tarball, since it seems that I have all other
> required libs. I have not built it yet. As soon as I make it, i'll
> post any relevant info here.

maybe some help, I compile on Debian all the time:

CFLAGS="-ggdb -march=pentium4 -Wall" ./configure \
    --with-tcltk-includes=/usr/include/tcl8.3 \
    --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/postgresql \
    --with-motif --with-motif-includes=/usr/X11R6/include \
    --with-readline --with-gdal --with-cxx --with-glw --with-odbc \
    --with-freetype --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2 \
    2>&1 | tee config_log.txt


To run GRASS 5.7, simply start

Debian-package req's for building GRASS
Updated Feb 16 2005 for GRASS 6.0beta2

gcc              # for compile
libc6-dev        # for basics
flex             # for lex
bison            # for yacc
libncurses5-dev  # for curses
zlib1g-dev       # zlib
libreadline5-dev # readline
libjpeg62-dev  or  libjpeg-mmx-dev  # for JPEG support
libtiff4-dev     # for TIFF support
libpng12-dev     # for PNG support
tcl8.3-dev       # for TCL
tk8.3-dev        # for TK
#postgresql      # for Postgresql support ???
postgresql-dev   # for Postgresql support
xlibmesa-gl-dev  # for OpenGL
#libstdc++5-3.3-dev # for glu-dev
xlibmesa-glu-dev # for OpenGL
unixodbc-dev     # for ODBC
fftw-dev         # for FFT functions
lesstif2-dev     # for Motif
libfreetype6-dev # for Freetype Fonts (broken)
libgdal1-dev     # for GDAL
gdal-bin         # for GDAL (doesn't include libraries or gdal-config)
proj             # for PROJ.4

make             # won't get far without this..
g++              # for r.terraflow

> I am also willing to help translating GRASS to brazilian portuguese,
> so I am already subscribed to the translations list. Markus is aware
> of that and we are starting to coordinate things with the other
> brazilian users/translators.
> That's it. I hope to start translating ASAP.

good to hear!


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