[GRASSLIST:6273] Re: v.in.ogr error

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon Mar 28 14:05:50 EST 2005

On Mon, March 28, 2005 20:55, Kirk R. Wythers said:
> Thank you Moritz. I just stumbled to the fact that the help documents
> on the web
> (http://grass.itc.it/grass60/manuals/html60_user/v.in.ogr.html) are
> more detailed (including additional information concerning v.in.ogr
> options) than those that are generated from the build and install
> process. I will look on the web in the future.

This is weird. I have exactly the same manual page locally as the one on the
web. Maybe there was some error building the docs on your machine ?


> Kirk
> On Mar 28, 2005, at 12:14 PM, Moritz Lennert wrote:
>> On Mon, March 28, 2005 19:23, Kirk R. Wythers said:
>>> What is implied by the error:
>>> GRASS 6.0.0 (arrowhead_utm):~ > v.in.ogr -o
>>> dsn=/Users/kirkw/projects/wrf/grids/ layer=forties output=forties
>>> Over-riding projection check.
>>> Proceeding with import...
>>> Layer: forties
>>> DBMI-DBF driver error:
>>> Column 'PLS_FORTYP' already exists (duplicate name)
>>> Cannot create table.
>>> Error in db_execute_immediate()
>>> ERROR: Cannot create table: create table forties_grid (cat integer,
>>> AREA
>>>         double precision, PERIMETER double precision, PLS_FORTYP
>>> integer,
>>>         PLS_FORTYP integer, COUN integer, TOWN integer, RDIR integer,
>>> RANG
>>>         integer, SECT integer, FORT integer, GLOT integer, PARC
>>> integer,
>>>         FORT_DESC varchar ( 40 ), GLOTMATCH integer, GEOPARC integer,
>>>         GEOGLOT integer, GEOFORT integer, GEOSECT integer, GEORANG
>>> integer,
>>>         HECTARES double precision)
>> The problem is that your dbf file contains two columns with exactly
>> the same
>> name (PLS_FORTYP) which is unacceptable for the database driver.
>> Change one of
>> the column names in the table before using v.in.ogr or use the cnames
>> option
>> of v.in.ogr.
>> Moritz
>>> I am trying to import some shape files into utm location in grass6.0.
>>> The shape files have the naming scheme:
>>> forties.dbf
>>> forties.sbn
>>> forties.sbx
>>> forties.shp
>>> forties.shx
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kirk

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