[GRASSLIST:6711] Re: problem with database name

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu May 5 07:06:00 EDT 2005

Dear Adam,

First of all, please do not send such requests to my personal mail, but to the
GRASS-Users mailing list (http://grass.itc.it/community/support.php#int_list)
to which I cc this response.

Since you work with MS Windows, the winGRASS list would be even better:

On Thu, May 5, 2005 11:46, Adam Podlaha (UK) said:
> Dear Mr. Lennert,
> I have following problem during entering the database patch in during
> the start up. I downloaded the sample data (spearman) and I put it in
> c:\data\GRASSDATA but after I enter this patch to the window it shows
> me, that it doesn't exist.

Could you please be more explicit: what window and what do you mean by "patch"
? How does "it" show that "it" doesn't exist ? Please give your exact
procedure and the exact error message.

> Could you please tell me what exactly I
> should write into the window? The default after I start GRASS is
> /home/Administrator. The second problem is, that I have installed GRASS
> as administrator, but I can not start it as another user. Do you know
> why?

I do not work with MS Windows, so I have no idea how to this. I suppose the
administrator has to give users the right to use the program.

But there are others on the above-mentioned lists who can certainly help you
better than I can.


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