[GRASSLIST:6736] Re: symbols and map units

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon May 9 05:04:26 EDT 2005

On Sun, May 8, 2005 23:58, Hamish said:
>> I am trying to create a symbol and display it in scale corresponding
>> with map units.
> perhaps try v.buffer and ps.map's vareas.

In GRASS 5.4's ps.map there is the wonderful "sites" command with the size_att
option, but this doesn't exist anymore since sites are vectors now.

In GRASS 6.0 you could also (in addition to Hamish' solution) create eps
symbols that are already scaled (with R for example) and then use the vpoints
command (with $) to put them onto your map.

Or you write a script (or do it by hand if you don't have many symbols) which
creates a ps.map input file with a vpoints command for every symbol using the
"cats" and "size" options.


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