[GRASSLIST:6866] Re: GRASSLIST digest 1729

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
Tue May 24 07:35:55 EDT 2005

try g.version

but when I read your message, I think, it will be 6.0...


On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 12:23:04AM -0700, Brian J. Torreano wrote:
> Dear Michael,
>      I'm not sure.  How do I find out what version of GRASS I am trying to
> run?
> Brian
> Brian J. Torreano - Owner
> BTDarters
> Your on-line resource for American Darters and other native fish for the
> small to medium-sized aquarium!
> http://www.btdarters.com
> > Did you perhaps install 6.1cvs instead of 6.0?
> >
> > If so, the grass.bat file needs to be change from "grass60" to "grass61"
> > in
> > 2 places.
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > On 5/22/05 10:01 PM, "Multiple recipients of list" <GRASSLIST at baylor.edu>
> > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>    GRASSLIST Digest 1729
> >>
> >> Topics covered in this issue include:
> >>
> >>   1)  Re: exporting vector maps to postgis
> >> by Stephan Holl <holl at gdf-hannover.de>
> >>   2)  Re: GRASS 6.0  & Ubuntu linux
> >> by Stefano Costa <stefano.costa at email.it>
> >>   3)  i.rectify polynomial order
> >> by Luca Penasa <luca.penasa at email.it>
> >>   4)  Re: Fwd: Re: GRASS on HP ProLiant ML570 (solved)
> >> by Brent Wood <b.wood at niwa.co.nz>
> >>   5)  Re: i.rectify polynomial order
> >> by Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com>
> >>   6)  Problems running GRASS
> >> by "Brian J. Torreano" <grassgis at btdarters.com>
> >
> > ____________________
> > C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
> > School of Human Evolution and Social Change
> > PO Box 872402
> > Arizona State University
> > Tempe, AZ  85287-2402
> > USA
> >
> > Phone: 480-965-6262
> > Fax: 480-965-7671
> > www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>
> >
> >

Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://www.fle.czu.cz/~jachym/gnupg_public_key/

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