[GRASSLIST:6883] i.ortho.photo command

Luca Penasa luca.penasa at email.it
Wed May 25 12:39:31 EDT 2005

hi everybody,
Im trying to rectify some ortho-photos using the command i.ortho.photo, 
but i dont know where to find the coordinate to use with the 
photo.2image command. i dont have a camera reference file and i dont 
know where to find it. Any suggestion? is there a standard set of 
parameters i can try to use? The only parameter i know is the focus 
lenght (153.26mm) that can be readed directly from the photo. On the 
photo i can also read: "UAiG 6025 153.26", but i dont know what does it 
mean, (maybe the camere ID? where can i find parameters for this camera?).
Thanks for the help....
Luca p.
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