[GRASSLIST:6888] Opensource Cartography Page (GRASS and GMT)

Dylan Beaudette dylan at iici.no-ip.org
Wed May 25 20:21:27 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

Sorry for any cross posts, as this is going out to a couple lists...

I have made some major changes on my page regarding the use of GRASS and GMT 
to produce high quality postscript file from GRASS and shapefile data here.

On this page there is;
1. A bit about compiling GRASS  on linux from source; mostly for the folks in 
Davis, CA
2. An example map, with annotated script.

I will continue to add to this page, and elaborate on some of the sometimes 
obscure GMT command line arguments.

Any comments would be appreciated!

Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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