[GRASSLIST:6924] Re: GRASS 6 gdal support for netcdf format

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Fri May 27 21:14:37 EDT 2005

> I need to import netcdf files into GRASS 6.0.0. I successfully built 
> GRASS 6.0.0 with gdal support (and previously built gdal with netcdf 
> support), but when I try to import the netcdf file, GRASS tells me
> it's  an unsupported format. The r.in.gdal -f option confirms that
> netcdf is  not supported as it is available in GRASS. I don't
> understand.

does this list it?

gdalinfo --formats

if so it should work with GRASS too, but make sure you don't have
multiple GDAL libraries installed, GRASS might be picking up the one
without netcdf support.

Quick solution:
 convert to a GeoTIFF or something with 'gdal_translate' and load that.


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