[GRASSLIST:9012] Re: ArcView vs GRASS

pmarc paulomarcondes at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 15:13:09 EST 2005

> > I know there are not much hard data on this; I am asking if there is
> > anything I can put together to have strong arguments, the next time I have
> > a direct confrontation. pc
>    ArcView         GRASS
>    designed for    designed for analysis
>      viewing
>    business orien- academic/research orientation
>      tation

This is almost the same thing I see in my field.
Well, I work with petroleum geophysics, i.e.:seismic.

Actually, I work at a R&D facility. What I've heard is that some
companies are more interested in having results quickly than in having
the right, thought through, scientificaly based results, which can
take much more time to arise than the other way.
Then, it should be easy to collate some pretty pictures and present it
to manager and [buzzword alert!] stakeholders.

So this is the target for windows based ISPs: quick and pretty whith a
basic technical approach.

So, I think we will not get out of the ghetto, because this is the
land of deep thinkers (at least deeper than most).
BTW, we are in good company, ESR and RMS wise....Not forgetting Markus
and the gang...
Paulo Marcondes

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