[GRASSLIST:9216] Re: d.m's "gridline" option and the (non) function of "draw geodetic grid"

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Thu Nov 24 20:07:26 EST 2005

I thought I'd updated this when the new options came out, but apparently it
didn't happen for some reason.

I can't put this into the CVS until Monday, because of the holidays. But
here  is a new gridline.tcl for you until then. If someone wants to put it
into the cvs for me, please do so but let me know.

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

> From: Tom Russo <russo at bogodyn.org>
> Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 23:57:03 -0700
> To: <grasslist at baylor.edu>
> Subject: [GRASSLIST:9191] d.m's "gridline" option and the (non) function of
> "draw geodetic grid"
> I just noticed that clicking the "draw geodetic grid" checkbox in the d.m
> function that adds a d.grid run to the on-screen map does nothing at all.
> Looks like in display/d.m/gridline.tcl there are two variables, geodraw and
> geogrid --- geodraw is used to determine whether to put a -g in the d.grid
> line but is never set by any of the input options, and geogrid is set by the
> checkbox next to "draw geodetic grid", and never used for anything.
> When I run the d.grid line by hand with no -g I get a grid in the current
> location's coordinate system, and with -g I get a latitude/longitude
> graticule projected to the locations coordinate system, as I expect.  But it
> seems impossible to get d.m to use a d.grid line with no -g.  Is this a bug,
> or have I missed a point somewhere?
> -- 
> Tom Russo    KM5VY     SAR502  DM64ux         http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
> Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1
>  "The only thing you can do easily is be wrong, and that's hardly
>   worth the effort." -- Norton Juster

-------------- next part --------------
# 30 August 2005
# panel for grid and line overlays
# Michael Barton, Arizona State University

namespace eval DmGridline {
    variable array opt # grid and line options
    variable count 1

proc DmGridline::create { tree parent } {
    variable opt
    variable count
    global dmpath

    set node "gridline:$count"

    set frm [ frame .gridicon$count]
    set fon [font create -size 10] 
    set check [checkbutton $frm.check -font $fon \
                           -variable DmGridline::opt($count,_check) \
                           -height 1 -padx 0 -width 0]

    image create photo gico -file "$dmpath/grid.gif"
    set gdico [label $frm.gdico -image gico -bd 1 -relief raised]
    pack $check $gdico -side left
    $tree insert end $parent $node \
	-text  "gridline $count"\
	-window    $frm \
	-drawcross auto  

    set opt($count,_check) 1 
    set opt($count,gridline) "gridline" 
    set opt($count,gridcolor) \#AAAAAA
    set opt($count,gridborder) \#000000 
    set opt($count,gridsize) 100 
    set opt($count,gridorigin) "0,0" 
    set opt($count,griddraw) 1 
    set opt($count,gridgeod) 0
    set opt($count,borderdraw) 1 
    set opt($count,textdraw) 1 
    set opt($count,rhumbdraw) 0 
    set opt($count,rhumbcoor) "" 
    set opt($count,rhumbcolor) "black" 
    set opt($count,geoddraw) 0 
    set opt($count,geodcoor) "" 
    set opt($count,geodcolor) "black" 
    set opt($count,geodtxtcolor) "none" 
    incr count
    return $node

proc DmGridline::set_option { node key value } {
    variable opt
    set id [Dm::node_id $node]
    set opt($id,$key) $value

# display gridline options
proc DmGridline::options { id frm } {
    variable opt
    global dmpath
    global bgcolor

    # grid options 1
    set row [ frame $frm.grid1 ]
    Label $row.a -text "Grid options: "
    checkbutton $row.b -text [G_msg "draw grid"] -variable DmGridline::opt($id,griddraw) 
    checkbutton $row.c -text [G_msg "geodetic grid"] -variable DmGridline::opt($id,gridgeod) 
    SelectColor $row.d -type menubutton -variable DmGridline::opt($id,gridcolor)    
    Label $row.e -text [G_msg " grid color "] 
    Button $row.f -text [G_msg "Help"] \
            -image [image create photo -file "$dmpath/grass.gif"] \
            -command "run g.manual d.grid" \
            -background $bgcolor \
            -helptext [G_msg "Help for grids"]
    Label $row. -text [G_msg " grid color"] 
    pack $row.a $row.b $row.c $row.d $row.e $row.f  -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes

    # grid options 2
    set row [ frame $frm.grid2 ]
    Label $row.a -text [G_msg "     "]
    checkbutton $row.b -text [G_msg "draw grid border"] -variable DmGridline::opt($id,borderdraw) 
    checkbutton $row.c -text [G_msg "draw border text"] -variable DmGridline::opt($id,textdraw) 
    Label $row.d -text [G_msg " border & text color"] 
    SelectColor $row.e -type menubutton -variable DmGridline::opt($id,gridborder)
    pack $row.a $row.b $row.c $row.d $row.e -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes

    # grid options 3
    set row [ frame $frm.grid3 ]
    Label $row.a -text "      grid size"
    LabelEntry $row.b -textvariable DmGridline::opt($id,gridsize) -width 10 \
            -entrybg white
    Label $row.c -text " grid origin (x,y)"
    LabelEntry $row.d -textvariable DmGridline::opt($id,gridorigin) -width 29 \
            -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b $row.c $row.d -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes
    set row [ frame $frm.line ]
    Label $row.a -text "Geodesic and rhumblines for latlong locations only"
    pack $row.a -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes

    # geodesic line options 1
    set row [ frame $frm.geod1 ]
    Label $row.a -text "     "
    checkbutton $row.b -text [G_msg "draw geodesic line"] -variable DmGridline::opt($id,geoddraw)
    Button $row.c -text [G_msg "Help"] \
            -image [image create photo -file "$dmpath/grass.gif"] \
            -command "run g.manual d.geodesic" \
            -background $bgcolor \
            -helptext [G_msg "Help for geodesic lines"]
    Label $row.d -text " line color"
    ComboBox $row.e -padx 2 -width 10 -textvariable DmGridline::opt($id,geodcolor) \
                    -values {"white" "grey" "gray" "black" "brown" "red" "orange" \
                    "yellow" "green" "aqua" "cyan" "indigo" "blue" "purple" "violet" "magenta"} \
                    -entrybg white
    Label $row.f -text " text color"
    ComboBox $row.g -padx 2 -width 10 -textvariable DmGridline::opt($id,geodtxtcolor) \
                    -values {"white" "grey" "gray" "black" "brown" "red" "orange" \
                    "yellow" "green" "aqua" "cyan" "indigo" "blue" "purple" "violet" "magenta"} \
                    -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b $row.c $row.d $row.e $row.f $row.g -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes
    # geodesic line options 2
    set row [ frame $frm.geod2 ]
    Label $row.a -text "     line endpoints (x1,y1,x2,y2)"
    LabelEntry $row.b -textvariable DmGridline::opt($id,geodcoor) -width 39 \
            -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes

    # rhumbline options 1
    set row [ frame $frm.rhumb1 ]
    Label $row.a -text "     "
    checkbutton $row.b -text [G_msg "draw rhumbline"] -variable DmGridline::opt($id,rhumbdraw)
    Button $row.c -text [G_msg "Help"] \
            -image [image create photo -file "$dmpath/grass.gif"] \
            -command "run g.manual d.rhumbline" \
            -background $bgcolor \
            -helptext [G_msg "Help for rhumblines"]
    Label $row.d -text " line color"
    ComboBox $row.e -padx 2 -width 10 -textvariable DmGridline::opt($id,rhumbcolor) \
                    -values {"white" "grey" "gray" "black" "brown" "red" "orange" \
                    "yellow" "green" "aqua" "cyan" "indigo" "blue" "purple" "violet" "magenta"} \
                    -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b $row.c $row.d $row.e -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes
    # rhumbline options 2
    set row [ frame $frm.rhumb2 ]
    Label $row.a -text "     line endpoints (x1,y1,x2,y2)"
    LabelEntry $row.b -textvariable DmGridline::opt($id,rhumbcoor) -width 39 \
            -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes

proc DmGridline::save { tree depth node } {
    variable opt
    set id [Dm::node_id $node]

    foreach key { _check gridcolor gridborder gridsize gridorigin griddraw gridgeod \
    			borderdraw textdraw rhumbdraw rhumbcoor geoddraw geodcoor geodcolor \
    			geodtxtcolor} {
        Dm::rc_write $depth "$key $opt($id,$key)"     


proc DmGridline::display { node } {
    variable opt
    global dmpath

    set tree $Dm::tree
    set id [Dm::node_id $node]
    set cmd ""
    set cmd2 ""
    set cmd3 ""

    if { ! ( $opt($id,_check) ) } { return } 
    # set hex colors to rgb         
    set gridcolor [Dm::color $opt($id,gridcolor)]
    set gridborder [Dm::color $opt($id,gridborder)]

    # d.grid command
    if { $opt($id,griddraw) || $opt($id,borderdraw) } {
            set cmd "d.grid size=$opt($id,gridsize) origin=$opt($id,gridorigin) \
                color=$gridcolor bordercolor=$gridborder" \
    if { $opt($id,gridgeod) && $cmd != "" } {append cmd " -g"} 
    if { !$opt($id,griddraw) && $cmd != "" } {append cmd " -n"} 
    if { !$opt($id,borderdraw) && $cmd != "" } {append cmd " -b"}
    if { !$opt($id,textdraw) && $cmd != "" } {append cmd " -t"}

    # d.geodesic command
    if { $opt($id,geoddraw) } {
        set cmd2 "d.geodesic coor=$opt($id,geodcoor) \
                lcolor=$opt($id,geodcolor) \
                tcolor=$opt($id,geodtxtcolor)"  }

    # d.rhumbline command
    if { $opt($id,rhumbdraw) } {
        set cmd3 "d.rhumbline coor=$opt($id,rhumbcoor) \
       lcolor=$opt($id,rhumbcolor) " }

    if { $cmd != "" } { run_panel $cmd } 

    if { $cmd2 != "" } { run_panel $cmd2 } 

    if { $cmd3 != "" } { run_panel $cmd3 }     

proc DmGridline::print { file node } {
    variable opt
    set tree $Dm::tree
    set id [Dm::node_id $node]

    if { ! ( $opt($id,_check) ) } { return } 

    if { $opt($id,gridline) == "" } { return } 

    puts $file "gridline $opt($id,gridline)"

proc DmGridline::duplicate { tree parent node id } {
    variable opt
    variable count 
    global dmpath

    set node "gridline:$count"

    set frm [ frame .gridlineicon$count]
    set fon [font create -size 10] 
    set check [checkbutton $frm.check -font $fon \
                           -variable DmGridline::opt($count,_check) \
                           -height 1 -padx 0 -width 0]

    image create photo gico -file "$dmpath/grid.gif"
    set gdico [label $frm.gdico -image gico -bd 1 -relief raised]
    pack $check $gdico -side left

	if { $opt($id,gridline) == ""} {
    	$tree insert end $parent $node \
		-text      "gridline $count" \
		-window    $frm \
		-drawcross auto
	} else {
	    $tree insert end $parent $node \
		-text      "$opt($id,gridline)" \
		-window    $frm \
		-drawcross auto

    set opt($count,_check) $opt($id,_check)

    set opt($count,gridcolor) "$opt($id,gridcolor)" 
    set opt($count,gridborder) $opt($id,gridborder)
    set opt($count,gridorigin)  $opt($id,gridorigin)
    set opt($count,griddraw)  $opt($id,griddraw)
    set opt($count,gridgeod)  $opt($id,gridgeod)
    set opt($count,gridsize)  $opt($id,gridsize) 
    set opt($count,borderdraw)  $opt($id,borderdraw)
    set opt($count,rhumbdraw)  $opt($id,rhumbdraw)
    set opt($count,rhumbcoor)  $opt($id,rhumbcoor)
    set opt($count,rhumbcolor) $opt($id,rhumbcolor)
    set opt($count,geoddraw)  $opt($id,geoddraw)
    set opt($count,geodcoor)  $opt($id,geodcoor)
    set opt($count,geodtxtcolor)  $opt($id,geodtxtcolor)
    set opt($count,geodcolor)  $opt($id,geodcolor)
    set opt($count,rhumbdraw) 0 
    set opt($count,rhumbcoor) "" 

    incr count
    return $node

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