Māris Nartišs maris.nartiss at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 10:08:30 EST 2005


ArcSDE only for clients look fast, on server side load is high ;)
As I understand, ArcSDE is like PostGIS. It can have multiple backends
(Oracle etc.), but MySQL/PostgreSQL are not supported.

As ArcSDE follows OGC standarts, there should be no problem to connect
with any app to it. I cant test it, as I have only raster data in my

More info:
"To date, ESRI has implemented the OGC Simple Feature Access
Specification (in ArcSDE and ArcGIS)"

Fighting with monopoly isnt easy task. Some days a go I had discussion
about new study programm for planing experts. Authors of this program
where saying - its good what you can do with GRASS (pointing on my
work), but we will by and teach only  ArcGIS. My reply, that we need
to teach GIS and not usage of some app, was w/o any replys. Huh. They
will have no money to by ArcGIS extensions, so brand new planing and
GIS experts will have only basic knowledge how to use ArcView.


2005/11/30, David Finlayson <david.p.finlayson at gmail.com>:
> On 11/29/05, M S <mseibel at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm a little confused.  ArcSDE is middleware between some given application
> > interacting with the user and the data, usually a database, is it not?
> >
> Is there any client other than ArcGIS that can interact directly with
> SDE? On either end? If not, SDE is only middleware in the ESRI stack
> and useless for alternative software products.
> It sounds like there may be a geodatabase reader in gdal soon, that's
> good news. But, what about rasters? To be fare, this is really a
> killer feature of SDE. It can hold terabytes of raster data seamlessly
> and efficiently. I was really impressed when I saw how fast it works
> on a remote ArcGIS client.  Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be
> any way to take advantage of this infrastructure from GRASS.
> This doesn't bode well when the University's major data archives start
> migrating to SDE.
> >  its sad... GIS==ERSI not only in your institution, but in the community in
> > general, specifically in the USA.  much like PC==MICROSOFT.
> >
> Indeed.

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