[GRASSLIST:8487] neighbourhood analysis

Ksenia Konwicki kes at timberline.ca
Tue Oct 4 14:12:59 EDT 2005


I am trying to do landform analysis based on various elevational
variability charateristics. I wanted to used a circular focal point
moving window analysis. My DEM is 30m resolution. I am currently running
Grass 6.0 through Cygwin.

I have tried using r.neighbours but it seems to limit my window size to
25 pixels (750m), and what I can see only offers a square neighbourhood.
I would like to do my analysis over a 3000m area so I need a much larger
window. Is there a way to do this in GRASS without "growing" my raster
size or averaging the data prior to analysis?

Thank you,


Ksenia E. Konwicki, RPF

Timberline Forest Inventory Consultants
1579 9th Avenue
Prince George, BC   V2L 3R8
P (250)562-2628
F (250)562-6942
E kes at timberline.ca

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