[GRASSLIST:8494] Re: neighbourhood analysis

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Tue Oct 4 20:16:52 EDT 2005

Ksenia Konwicki wrote:

> I am trying to do landform analysis based on various elevational
> variability charateristics. I wanted to used a circular focal point
> moving window analysis. My DEM is 30m resolution. I am currently running
> Grass 6.0 through Cygwin.
> I have tried using r.neighbours but it seems to limit my window size to
> 25 pixels (750m), and what I can see only offers a square neighbourhood.
> I would like to do my analysis over a 3000m area so I need a much larger
> window. Is there a way to do this in GRASS without "growing" my raster
> size or averaging the data prior to analysis?

Modify r.neighbors to suit your purpose.

Or use R/GRASS or r.{in,out}.mat and Matlab/Octave.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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