[GRASSLIST:8553] Re: PostGIS and libs

Konstantinos Theofilis theofilis at macland.gr
Sat Oct 8 14:24:56 EDT 2005


I thought so but one can never be too sure...
Of course, for obvious reasons, it is better if i could alter the  
config file of Postgis. I found all occurrences of "GEOS_DIR" and  
"PROJ_DIR" but the make still fails..

I will install it with libs in /usr/local.

Thanks again!


On 8 Oct 2005, at 19:07, Graham Watt-Gremm wrote:

> Hello Costas,
> I've been through this just last week - I compiled and installed  
> PostgreSQL, proj4, and GEOS in their default locations, and  
> configured postGIS according to directions (all on OSX 10.4.2).  
> I've since used both GRASS (61cvs, Lorenzo's newest binaries  
> (cheers to lorenzo!)) and QGIS to interact with a postGIS database,  
> including shape manipulation and reprojection, without a hitch.  
> Good luck with yours...
> Graham
> On 8-Oct-05, at 9:19 AM, Konstantinos Theofilis wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I am using Lorenzo's binaries on MacOS X 10.4.2
>> Up until now I was nos not using Postgresql and PostGIS.
>> I compiled PostgreSQL from source and put it in /usr/local
>> Now I am trying to build postgis.
>> Despite me fiddling with the config and makefiles in PostGIS  
>> source in order to change the DIRs for GEOS and PROJ, I couldn't  
>> make it to compile.
>> So I am thinking of installing separate versions of GEOS and PROJ  
>> in /usr/local/ in order for PostGIS to find them.
>> My question is: Is Postgresql/PostGIS going to work ok with  
>> GRASS , despite being linked to different libs of GEOS and PROJ?
>> Thanks
>> Kostas

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